

The Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies (UAFIC) and the Association of Financial Institutions (AFI) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Interaction on the realization and implementation of the mechanism of protection of rights and interests of consumers of financial services and settlement of complaints in the financial market.
Under the Memorandum, the Associations will work together to improve the market situation with consumer complaints about financial institutions. One of the key tools for this was identified as the FinSkarga - platform, implemented with support from the USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project.

As part of the Memorandum of Cooperation, the parties agreed to work together on the following common tasks:

- work to protect the rights and interests of consumers of financial services and settlement of complaints in the financial market through the national platform for mediation of complaints of consumers of financial services FinSkarga;

- creation of an effective system of acceptance, consideration and resolution of financial services consumers' complaints in digital channels taking into account the principles of the national legislation of Ukraine;

- conducting joint activities on the protection of rights and interests of consumers of financial services, namely, industry and educational events, thematic round tables, webinars, thematic lectures, etc.

"Heading the Association, I noted the need to implement another direction of the Association - the protection of consumer rights in financial services. For this purpose, we signed the Memorandum with the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and innovation companies, which is to establish the long-term mutually beneficial partnership between the two Associations, which will result in the implementation of the mechanism to protect the rights and interests of consumers of financial services. The combination of modern technologies, namely: connection to digital channels for receiving and handling consumer complaints, and compliance with the rules of ethical conduct of financial companies, through the media settlement of disputes with the client will be the key to restore consumer confidence in the activities of non-banking financial institutions", said the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Financial Institutions Igor Pashko.

The parties to the Memorandum are interested in improving the situation with the complaints that now exist in the financial market.

"We are pleased to start cooperation with the Association of Financial Institutions and are grateful for their support of our project –

the national platform for mediation of complaints of consumers of financial services FinSkarga. On the one hand, I see the implementation of the common goal to protect the rights of consumers of financial services in encouraging market players to enter into a dialogue with their clients and resolve conflict situations. On the other hand, in the general educational work for people concerning their rights and obligations using financial services. I believe that our joint efforts can accelerate the return of people's trust in the financial sector," said Rostyslav Dyuk, Chairman of the Board of UAFIC.

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